Monday, December 06, 2004

nerd alert

i'm a dork. no really i am. i've always been one really, but i think b/c i never wore glasses and i played sports and because there were 4 of us segura kids in 6 years, so if we had no friend's to play with it was ok b/c we always had a sibling i never really got it in my head that i was a dork. even though i was. and still am.

i love reading. my dream is to have a library like in beauty and the beast. (told you i'm a dork). you'd think i would have been a lit major or something. but no, i'm a science girl. i think i opted for science mainly b/c i hated required reading and writing. i mean, yes, in science you have to read lots of tedious chapters about the inner workings of really big words that no normal person could ever pronounce let alone spell, and you have to write essays about said topics, but you don't have to be "creative" by a certain deadline.

i say "creative" in quotes like that mainly b/c if you think about it, when you've got a paper to write, even an opinion paper, there are all sorts of restrictions and guidelines and your real opinion somehow ends up becoming what you think your opinion should be rather than what it actually is and well, that's just a little too much like a first date if you ask me.

don't get me wrong, i loved college. i'd stay there forever if it weren't for the crater of debt i will be struggling to climb out of for the next 30 years and the god forsaken tests. i hate tests. they ruined college for me. i could go to lectures all day. happily. if only i were allowed to take what i wanted from them instead of having to take what the prof wanted me to take and then have to regurgitate it on an exam.

i promised myself that after graduation i would make time for all the books i have on my shelf waiting to be read. i'd read every chance i got.

i also love crosswords. told you i was a nerd. i've always loved crosswords. my grandma use to always do them. with one of those erasable pens. remember those? whatever happened to those pens? not that i really care. i hated those pens. the ink always gooked up and got all over the writing calus thing have on the inside of my middle finger's top knuckle. whatever. don't act like you don't know what i'm talking about!

i use to do crosswords on the bus to school everyday. in college. not in elementary/middle/high school. i'm not that much of a dork. nor that smart. i did them on the bus and in class when my professor was boring me and every other still slightly hung over from 2 nights earlier undergrad in the class. that was my time to work on improving my mad nytimes crossword skills. and while waiting at the airport. i do crosswords while waiting at the airport. well when i'm not picking up hot boys.

since moving in with neto, crosswords have become even more a part of my routine. who needs conversation when you can do a crossword?! neto's much better at them than me. i basically just fill in the answers he tells me. i have better handwriting.

so here's my problem. i fear crosswords may have started to spill over in to my book time. so sure i'm honing my crossword skills, but i'm not so much finishing those sad, lonely books on the book shelf.

i really gotta find a balance.

and a life.


At Monday, December 06, 2004 3:44:00 PM, Blogger Frank said...

I had the same problem with crosswords when I was in the Army as a young officer- I would be sitting up all night in the desert, doing these crazy puzzles, hoping nothing would happen, and before I knew it I did not read anymore- just spent hours wracking my brain for a three letter word synonomous with "insect". Don't think, it is "bug". Took me a week.

The chaplain gave me a book- "Watership Down"- which is a book about rabbits- and I carried it around for two weeks gathering bizarre looks from my soldiers. "A book about bunnies, sir?" they would say dubiously. Anyway, after two weeks, I figured I'd earn my scoldings, read the thing. I love it- although it might be an acquired taste- being about rabbits and all. I did stand-up for four years in New Orleans, before growing up, going to grad school and going to Wall Street- and you could never go wrong with pet stories. Really.

The point is, your librarian instincts ought to serve you well here, I would think. I believe the trick is to find a book you cannot put down.

Anyway, I apologize for interjecting myself into your Blog- which is so droll. I like it- although I don't exactly know why. I don't know exactly how I found it- but I'd like to vist again.


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