Sunday, November 28, 2004

WARNING: bad singing and not so scientific theory/simile/justification thing ahead...

i don't wanna grow up, i'm a toys 'r' us kid... a million toys at toys 'r' us that i can play with...from bikes and trains to video games, it's the biggest toy store there is....stop!!! good god. what's wrong with me? again with the random outburst of songs that 1. no one should know the lyrics to and 2. no one wants to hear (or read). i blame...oh who am i kidding...i blame no one...i'm just random like that.
anyway, the item i'm so easily distracted point. today i turn 24. hmmm. 24. i'm still trying to decide what being 24 will actually mean. i have a feeling it's kinda of like junior year. 23 is sophmore year...pretty insignificant and boring. remember sophmore year? proabably not b/c it was the invisible year of high school or're not so young that you're known as a freshman but you're also not old enough to be a respected as an upperclassman. but 24. 24 is gonna be like junior year. you get more respect from your peers and elders because you're older, but you don't have the responsibility of the seniors, or to go along with my obsurd little simile, the 25 year olds. 25 is the offical entrance into your mid 20's. just like senior year is the entrance in to college or the real world. 24 is going to be a good age. the junior year of life so to speak. you've got some years under your belt, but you're not even close to old...things are expected of you and sure you've got pressure about your future, but really you can still kinda-sorta slide by under the radar.

oh and by the way, don't try and hold me to this theory next year when i'm 25. by then i will have a completely new excuse made up as to why 25 is the new 24 and how it's not 'technically' this or that.


At Sunday, November 28, 2004 10:21:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"things are expected of you and sure you've got pressure about your future, but really you can still kinda-sorta slide by under the radar."

Uh, no you can't. They may not have radar lock on you yet, but they see the blip and they're tracking you. It's like in "Top Gun", when the bogeys appear on the radar but haven't been seen by Mav yet. No visual sightings of real adulthood, but you're on the radar and the "you'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dogshit outta Hong Kong" guy is watching and sweating cause he knows that those bogeys are headed for a reckoning. You're a bogey. Maverick is adulthood. You can pull a Cougar, lose it, and turn in your wings. Or you can...wait a second. I think I wanted to say that you're Maverick. Well, shit. This analogy ended up with way more "anal" than "logy" to it. Sorry. Happy birthday anyway. :)



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