Wednesday, November 24, 2004

winter wonderland...

it's snowing! wheeeeeeee! i haven't been in a real snowfall in i don't know how many years. it snowed a little bit in austin last winter...but not like this. this is northern michigan snow.
my cousin and i were leaving walmart earlier (cuz we're cool like that) and this random woman behind us started singing "it's beginning to look a lot like christmas." out loud. in the parking lot. kacey and i about died laughing.
as we pulled out of the parking lot we got a nice little spin action goin' and my only reaction was to straighten out the car and calmly say whoopsie-daisy. i have no idea why those words came out of my mouth. other than that i'm a dork. i think kacey may have peed her pants.
when we got home we saw that my mom had gone out to the driveway and drawn a gigantic heart in the snow for us to see when we pulled in. i guess dorkiness runs in the family.


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