Saturday, December 04, 2004

nap time

i took an amazing nap this afternoon. ya know, the kind where you wake up and are just like "golly gee willikers that was a great nap." ok fine, so maybe i'm the only one who says that, but you know what a good nap feels like so quit given me those "'what the hell is she talking about" faces.
i worked this morning and as much fun as entertaining 20 screaming kids at a birthday party is, it's kind of like eating candy. afterwards you're all sorts of hyper, but then, after some time, you crash. hard. so i took a nap. kind of like in kindergarten. minus the not so comfortable mat and the kid peeing his pants.
when i climbed in bed it was gloooorious. (i see blue, he looks gloooorious!...sorry. had to.) anyway my sheets were so cold. and soft. it made me all sorts of happy. that's about when it hit me. i love cold sheets. food should be hot, not my sheets. and pillows. lots of pillows.
here's a quick little rule of thumb to help you remember how i like these (and a couple other, equally important) things.

sheets + pillows + beer = cold
food + men = hot
pillows + men = lots


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