Thursday, April 28, 2005

fo' razzle, my dazzle...,

in this little side bar thing in esquire, john mayer listed his 5 travel secrets. in them he twice referenced his schlong as his "razzle dazzle." i was slightly disturbed and yet somewhat intruiged. i didn't realize anyone but laura's and my old cheer squad ever used the term "razzle dazzle." our usage went a lil' somethin' like this...

razzle dazzle uh huh
razzle dazzle uh huh
my name is [sara] i'm number one
my razzle dazzle has just begun
so when you see me, step aside
you know this girl won't take no jive
*oooh she thinks she's bad*
correction, i know i'm bad!

yeah i know. .. awesome. i think i'm gonna start doing it at bars/parties. i may have to leave out the first couple razzle dazzles though. it might be a little awkward if i left them in...

random stranger: hi, i'm so and so
me: razzle dazzle uh huh, razzle dazzle uh huh. my name is sara i'm number 1, my razzle dazzle's just begun...


random stranger: hi, i'm so and so
me: my name is sara i'm number 1 my razzle dazzle's just begun...

either way i'm totally gonna get somebody cued up to do the "ooh she thinks she's bad" part b/c the whole "correction, i know i'm bad" line has this classic "3 snaps in a z formation" attitude about it. it's my favorite.

and we wonder why i'm single.


At Friday, April 29, 2005 10:15:00 PM, Blogger Sam said...

3 snaps in z formation. Years since I've seen that.

At Saturday, April 30, 2005 7:55:00 AM, Blogger jbgrinch said...

having a hard time picturing you as a cheerleader. maybe a pic would help?


At Friday, August 26, 2005 12:36:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so funny you mention this, because i used to do the cheer all the time in college---so when we were all at Robin's wedding they made me do it in front of 35 drunk people

and not one laughed. they all just kinda looked at me in shock that i was actually humilating myself by my own free will


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