Thursday, January 20, 2005

beat to the punch...

so i had a few funny stories to tell detailing the oddity that is the american public, however, my quick-like-fox (or is it cat?) brother beat me to the punch. and instead of trying to upstage him (which i could totally do) i'll just let you all read his accounts of our lunch dates and telephone message for todd. (minus the disneyworld/denny's stuff...that was kate not me) oh and don't mind the fact that in 2 out of the 3 stories i was involved in he acts as if they happened to him alone. he likes to make it sound like he lives alone and goes to good little bistro's at nordstrom's by himself so the ladies don't get the wrong idea and think i'm someone other than his little sister. how's that for me passively agressively displaying my disappointment in his lack of acknowledging my presence?



At Saturday, January 22, 2005 10:57:00 AM, Blogger KA said...

S, I hear ya. But at least if it's anyone not acknowledging you, it's your brother. Have you ever dated guys who keep calling you a "friend" to their parents? This has happened once or twice, and it's humbly depressing. Especially when you really like the guy - sometimes you just want to go psycho and pull his mom aside and warn her that she might be the future mother-in-law, but you know she wouldn't believe you because as far as she's concerned, you're just a "friend" of [her son's name, fill in the blank]. In my case, [fill in the blank] is usually named Mike. I have been involved with three in a row within the past year. I think the point I am trying to make is that guys are dicks? And also that I should stop dating Mikes.


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