Saturday, January 08, 2005

blogs de amor...

as i was scrolling thru some blogs today i noticed that there was an alarming number of mooshy-gooshy-i-love-you blogs. blogs written by girls to, or about, boys. they got me thinking. brought me back to the good ol' days. pre carry-on baggage. or maybe some of you are more of an oversized baggage kinda person. either way i'm sure we all remember those days of yore. back when love was just butterflies (and that was enough). back when french kissing meant you'd be together forever (heck, it meant you were on your way to *gasp* 2nd base-i think. [random thought alert] is it just me as you got older did each base become more and more blurred until it all just kinda became gettin' jiggy wit it? [did i really just say "gettin' jiggy wit it"?]). back when you bet your bottom dollar that it wasn't puppy love-it was the real deal holyfield. you and old what's his/her name would last forever. or at least until you got a new seating chart in study hall.

seeing these "love blogs" (that's the technical name, i swear) made me think of those days back when i was at my gushiest. i'm not gonna deny it. i've got the notes and the letters with 'i love you' in every other sentence. i have journals like every other young lass documenting those days. but a blog? a blog open to the public? why?

do you really think the boy you're writing about is going to actually enjoy reading how much you worship the ground he walks on (without automatically thinking "uhhhh...i wonder if it's difficult to get a restraining order?"). and if he doesn't find it a bit too much, you may want to pay particular attention to his next thought. it's probably something like "i should write a 'love blog' too. one about that really hot dude on las vegas. you know, tad hamilton. i know he says he's straight, but i sense a vibe." while sipping on his diet coke with lemon.

and most importantly, why make it public? do i wanna read how much you love joe blow over there? not really. i could probably deal if you wrote witty stories w/ just a smidgen of intelligence about something he/she did that made them worth loving so much and on such a grand scale. but this whole i xxl-heart mr. wonderful for no concrete (or even just good) reason kinda annoys me. not the loving part. love 'em up. more power to you. just make the blog private. or keep a journal. it's frustrating and time consuming enough that blogger makes you go 1 by 1 thru blogs you don't really care to read. but your big blinking hearts are slowing down the process.

maybe i'm wrong. maybe some people like reading these blogs. but then again some people enjoy romance novels. doesn't mean i have to.


At Sunday, January 09, 2005 10:03:00 AM, Blogger Shane said...

Are we a little jaded?

At Sunday, January 09, 2005 10:18:00 AM, Blogger Sam said...

Not jaded. Just correct.
Shity blogs far excede non shity.
Blogs I Don't Like
1) love blogs
2) any blog with an anime
3) any blog that metions halo 2 in excess
4) this is what I did today, day after day after day blog
5) non english blogs, my fault, I can't read them
6) political blogs, I know you may hate the pres. But he isn't going to read you blog. Neither is anybody who's mind your gonna change
7) blogs that suck

At Sunday, January 09, 2005 1:40:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe in the freedom of expression and that is what blogs are for--to talk about whatever you want to talk about. Though public, blogs are not necessarily meant for everyone to read--not all people's blogs can be spiffy with cool graphics and links, ECT. It may make some poor kid feel a lot better to post their blog for their love for Johnny or whatever so let them be--whatever it takes to get through the god-awful teenage years. Though it would make blog world more fun if everyone's blog can be as cool as yours, the truth is that they aren't.

At Sunday, January 09, 2005 6:26:00 PM, Blogger jbgrinch said...

While I find my time looking for good blogs to be my way to take a break I do understand and it is only by the good luck I find one or 2 that I continue to follow I guess I have to say it is better for people to write and learn the are that is keeping a journal however they do it on paper or on line and if they are ok with their personal stuff being out there thats cool I guess


At Sunday, January 09, 2005 8:58:00 PM, Blogger Sam said...

I'm all for freedom of expresssion. Blog on one and all. That doesn't make sucky blogs suck any less. I don't even want the sucky blogs to stop. Simply, some blogs suck. I'm sure according to many my blog sucks. Hell, I don't even like it that much. But, Blog On!


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