Friday, January 07, 2005

bringing weirdos together since 2004...

so apparently someone got to this blog by doing a google search for "what not to do in a relationship""recorder." ok first i'll address the fact that this search makes pretty much no sense. what the hell is the recorder part for? i suppose i can understand the 'what not to do in a relationship' part-some people need that sort of advice, but 'recorder'?? i've seriously racked my brain (can you smell the wheels?) to try and figure out why someone would want those 2 things in a search together. i came up with a few ideas like maybe they meant tapes-ya know, to watch. a video on what not to do in a relationship. or maybe they want to make said tape and need a movie camera, but are from some foreign land where they call video cameras, recorders. or something. or better yet maybe they were looking for a song called "what not to do in a relationship" and needed the sheet music so they can play it on their recorder. ya know that little clarinet/flute instument that gets really annoying after like 5 minutes of playing it. i'm stretching it here aren't i?

my second issue is the fact that when this search is typed into google only 2 links come up. and both of them are to my blog. how in the world did i end up being the what-not-to-do-in-a-relationship-recorder expert? i mean seriously. maybe it wouldn't drive me so batty if i knew what in the sam hill it meant to be that sort of an expert.

i think i'm gonna learn to play the recorder and become a relationship expert so that next time someone searches for "what not to do in a relationship""recorder" i can have some actual expertise on the subject. not to mention the authority to talk 'em into the nearest loony bin.

[note: if the person who did this search is reading this, i'm not trying to poke fun at you, ok maybe i am a little, but really i'm just confused and slightly weirded out. so if you'd be so kind as to explain your motivation behind this search we'd be much obliged. ]


At Friday, January 07, 2005 11:26:00 PM, Blogger Shane said...

Mystery solved.

Here's the Google discription for the search result: "... i think i should hide a video camera or tape recorder or something ... record with boys should make me even more of an expert in what not to do in a relationship. ... "

Case closed.


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