Wednesday, December 22, 2004

great expectations...

my new year's resolutions

  • forgo all exercise (including walking)
  • start smoking (i'm taking sam's lead on this one. if you can't beat 'em might as well join 'em)
  • take my loved ones for granted
  • travel (but only around the apartment and with a light carry-on)
  • develop a drinking habit
  • learn to play yankee doodle on the seriously-out-of-tune saxophone in our upstairs closet (without tuning it and without taking lessons)
  • floss everything but my teeth
  • collect money and clothes for the poor (and keep it all for my broke-ass self)
  • point and laugh more often
  • stop and smell the rosens (they're the abnormally clean family down the street)


At Thursday, December 23, 2004 11:10:00 AM, Blogger Sam said...

Glad to be part of your corruption. I smoked on Saturday night. Three fat pipe fulls. Listened to an outstanding Irish band or an American band that played Irish music. In any case, smoking is a fine vice. One of the finest in my assessment. It is in my top five.
1)Women in short skirts
2)Gin in nearly any form of any quality
3)Fast horses
4)Travel books
A woman in a short skirt who smokes and buys me gin could be a deal breaker.
Enjoy the flossing and your finer vices in the new year.


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