Friday, December 17, 2004

rant of the day...

i once said that if you're upset about something or disagree with something there are only 2 options on how to cheese or write a letter. if you think about it, cheese will make you feel better because, well because it's makes everything better. or you write a letter and express your feelings. i've decided there is a third option which is bitch out the sprint people until they give you a new phone like they should cuz cell phones suck and they told you yours wouldn't break and it did.

i spent a pretty penny on a new phone not long ago and i specifically told the woman i didn't want a flip phone b/c they always break on me...she said they had made a lot of improvements and that it wouldn't break. coughbullshitcough. i tried to take it to the sprint place here in laredo, but they said they couldn't do anything b/c there was physical damage....HELLO! MCFLY! that's exactly why i took it in in the first place! and the chick who gave me the news that the technician was a ratbastard was a friend of mine from high school so i couldn't yell at her dammit. plus she offered to give my little brother a new phone without making him sign away his soul like they normally do. anyway as soon as i get back to st. louis i'm marching right back in to the bitchassho who sold me the phone in the first place and i'm telling her she'd better give me a knew phone or i'm gonna end up obese from all the cheese i've been eating and with friggin carpal tunnel syndrome from typing so many letters. and little does she know i've got a brother who is in law school and would just love to take his class on a field trip to see him work his magic suing some random chick for making his little sister fat and grumpy.

speaking of my older brother. he recently had a bone to pick as well. not with sprint, but with our cable company. he opted for way-to-passive agressively-handle-anger option 2: write a letter. i thought i'd share his oh so classic customer service letter. as you can see he's not nearly as ornery as i am. and much funnier. the best part is that they sent him a response letter telling him they passed his letter on to the moxi/dvr management team that makes those decisions. sooo classic.

anyway, enjoy, have a good day, and don't let the bastards get you down!

[sent to: charter communications online customer care team.]
I've been extremely pleased with my new DVR/Moxi service upgrade. However, I HATE!! the new 15minute jump for the "Skip" button. I don't know who made the decision or why they did so, but it's terrible.

Nobody wants to skip ahead in 15 minute intervals -we want 30 second jumps designed to allow us to skip through commercials. If it's pressure about skipping commercials that precipitated the change, give us banner ads like TiVo is doing. I can deal with banner ads while I'm skipping through at 30 seconds a pop. This 15 minute crap is for the birds.

I look forward to the reversion to 30 second skip intervals as my Christmas present. Seriously. 30 seconds. I mean it.

Ernesto Segura


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