Thursday, December 16, 2004

streets of laredo...

so i'm home. well home as in where my parents live. not so much home as in where i necessarily grew up or as in where my family wants to be, but home just the same. i went to high school here in laredo for a few years and then i got the heck outta dodge. my parents are still here though and as much as a we hate it, you don't always get a choice in where you live. plus everything is what you make it, right? anyway, it's good to be with my parents and my not-so-little-little brother. my sister flies in on saturday and then the older bro comes in next thursday. this is the first time, since probably last christmas that all of us get to be together. i can't wait. i think i should hide a video camera or tape recorder or something and just tape the madness that is our household when we all get together. if you people think i'm random and slightly spastic, you should see the dynamic of all 6 of us. too much fun. anyway, because my mom is awesome and because she completely spoils me when i'm home she just came in with hot chocolate with marshmallows and everything for me. oh i'm sorry. it's peppermint hot chocolate with marshmallows. my bad. so i'm gonna go enjoy this, don't be too jealous. come visit and i'm sure she'll make you some too.


At Thursday, December 16, 2004 10:03:00 AM, Blogger jbgrinch said...

Glad that you had a safe trip. Mothers are supposed to spoil kids atleast when they are small and again when they return after long absences. And as for that hot chocolate I guess you cant e-mail any of that?.... ah too bad.



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