Friday, December 17, 2004

things to do in laredo...

in honor of the too-exciting-for-even-me-to-handle town of laredo i thought i'd share some hip and cool things to do with your time while here visiting (besides not getting your cell phone fixed)...

  • go to the mall
  • eat tacos
  • watch hockey
  • be the only person who knows what's going on in said hockey game
  • while at the hockey game drink your beer through a straw
  • and flail around not so seductively to try and get the hockey players' attention
  • during the game.
  • hang out at "fuego-grill and chill"
  • among other awesome new hang outs
  • like graham central station
  • oh my bad...the cool kids call it "graham's"
  • guess i'm not very cool
  • go "across"
  • as in go to mexico
  • to party with all the underage kiddos
  • and dirty mezkin's trying to meet said minors
  • and get raped
  • or killed
  • or both
  • ignore phone calls from any and everyone you went to h.s. with
  • pretend to be excited to see said people when you randomly run in to them
  • at the mall
  • or at a hockey game
  • or while eating tacos...


At Saturday, December 18, 2004 9:33:00 PM, Blogger jbgrinch said...

sounds like there is a small part of you that wants to go home as soon as possible! I cant even imagine going away for a week on vacation. I hope that things look up for you while you are there. playing hard to keep I dont get you. I thought that at your age it was the object to be kept. Ok well

have fun


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