Thursday, December 23, 2004

frozen margaritas...

it's 42 degrees here in laredo. yesterday it was 80. today 40. last time i remember it being "cold" here i was in high school and we got the day off. it was called a "cold day." i remember when we lived in michigan and colorado and we'd wake up to inches of snow and all cross our fingers (but only one hand b/c crossing the other hand cancelled out the first) as we listened to the radio hoping to hear our school's name on the never-quite-long-enough list of school closings. here, we got school off for 40 degree temperatures. awesome.
it's suppose to snow here on christmas. it hasn't snowed in laredo in over 100 years. i thought it was 30. i had heard it was 30. turns out it's 100. who knows maybe we'll make some history. or better yet, maybe our pool will freeze and then i'll have an ice rink in my back yard. i'll let you know.


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