Wednesday, January 05, 2005

my world of pure imagination...

i love having crushes. not so much on friends. those are just sorta torturous. but on people you meet once or twice or run into every so often. i don't have to actually know the person nor does there need to be any real chance of fruition. there's just something about those middle school he's-so-cute-and-i-should-totally-go-make-out-with-him-but-instead-i'm-just-gonna-sit-here-and-giggle kind of crushes. i mean don't get me wrong i'm a big fan of making out, but having crushes is fun too. if you have a crush and you keep it a crush then it can't be spoiled by reality. in reality he's probably a jackass, but in my head he's funny and smart and oh so cute and that, to me, is a much better option.


At Tuesday, January 04, 2005 5:00:00 PM, Blogger jbgrinch said...

Oh to be young again! I just hope that you know that lots of booze does nothing for how you look to others! I think that you (from your writing and one pic Is that really you) should do just fine in the marketplace so dont sell yourself short. but have fun living in the moment while you can


At Wednesday, January 05, 2005 12:14:00 PM, Blogger Shane said...

I'm with you on this one.

Here's a few words of wisdom from someone who knows: never marry. Once you do, you surrender your rights to the mighty crush. Sure you can still develop the crushes, but it's not fun if you know that there's no chance for it to ever go anywhere.

Damn you marriage license! Damn you!


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