Wednesday, December 29, 2004

uninspired ramblings of days gone by...

sorry i haven't written much as of late...this town is pretty uninspiring. doesn't so much get my creative juices flowing. that's ok though. sometimes taking a break from any and everything, including creative thought, is a good thing. ok so that's a total bullshit justification, but whatever.

i went out the other night, i suppose i could talk about that. nothing too exciting. went to a hockey game. i love hockey. not having the wings to watch nor having a minor league team, full of guys who pour they're hearts out each and every game because it's all they have, to cheer for is kind of disheartening. so i'm glad while i'm here i get to go to some games. plus my parent's seats are right behind the home bench so i get to ogle at hot hockey men while the refs dish out pentalties. minor league hockey has a lot of fighting. so i get lots of ogle time. hockey players being one of my biggest weaknesses, if not my single biggest weakness, means there are no complaints from me on face time the pentaly breaks allow nor on the view obstruction the bench creates. the smell isn't the most pleasant. but it brings back happy memories from my more naive days , so again, no complaints.

i of course ran in to old school chums while off to get more over-priced beer during the intermission, but this time i ran into a buddy who i was happy to see. one whose name i actually remember. imagine that. anyway, my sister and i ended up meeting up with him and a couple other friends i hadn't seen in a while after the game at this bar. a bar that, mind you, use to be the ghetto dirty-mexican-men bar. i'm still amazed that there are non dirty-mexican bars in this town. i'm not sure when they appeared, probably around the time gangs started killing people at the clubs across the border, but there are bars in this town now. more than one. laredo has options. since when does laredo have options? i really have been gone a long time. i digress. so we're out and next thing i know half my friends from high school are there. turns out most of them are still here in laredo. it also turns out most of my friends were guys. not that i'm complaining. i have even less in common with laredo girls than i do with freakin' three toed sloths.

all in all we had a great time and i realized that i may not have much, if anything, in common with the people down here and i may complain about the lack of inspiration this town envokes, but truth be told i had some good buddies back in high school. we had good times back then, and still do. they know i don't fit. they know i don't belong. and it's ok. that's part of what makes it fun. well that and the mass quantities of alcohol.


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