Tuesday, January 04, 2005

3 feet of bragging rights...

i was gonna save this story for after the fact, but i'm so excited...i just can't hide it! i get to spend some quality time with...drumroll please...lord stanley's freakin' cup! yeah baby, yeah! you have no clue how excited i am to see the stanley cup. AND get to rub it in the faces of all my siblings. everyone else had to leave to go back to their respective homes for work and school, so being the greatest-daughter-in-the-world that i am i told mom that i'd stay as long as i could. and no it has nothing to do with the fact that i don't have to be back to work until the end of the month. so anyway, i'm here till the 15th. little did i know that the hockey team down here was host to the league's allstar game. i also was not aware of the fact that the stanley cup was gonna be here. and more importantly, that i would be in town during said event.

i would say just seeing the cup would be enough of a reward for my being good a daughter, but then my dad informed me there was a banquet. with pat quinn speaking (current maple leaf's coach, coach of the canadian olympic team that won in '02) and an opportunity to see the cup up close and personal. so my oh-so-wonderful dad bought a table at this banquet for his company and before choosing any clients to fill the seats asked to have the hottest player from the laredo team sit at our table and then offered to let me invite whoever i wanted. how great is that?? i decided that i'd only have one friend come down though b/c i didn't want pops gettin' in trouble for not putting business people at the table. but still. i think i can deal with just having my hottest friend robert on one side of me and hottie-hot-hot hockey player on the other.

so lets recap...me + hot hockey men + hot robert + the stanley cup + large amounts of booze. how AWESOME is this night gonna be!?! ok i'd better stop. i just realized that b/c i'm so excited the night is gonna blow. when have you ever been pumped for something b/c all the elements are, well, pretty much the greatest ever and and it not ended up completely lame?

i can see it now... hottie-hockey-boy is gonna show up with his supermodel girlfriend on his arm...and she'll hate me, because all girlfriends hate me. the stanley cup will be a mere replica that they'll try to pawn off as the real thing b/c hell we're in mexico...the people here don't know shit about the stanley cup. and even though i know it's fake i'll still wanna take a picture with it so that i can pretend it's the real thing and tell everyone it's the real thing, but i'll never actually get near it b/c the freakin' federalies will be there guarding it like it's filled with all their bribe money. the speaker will get stuck in canada b/c of suspected something or other in his bag and who knows what else. the only saving grace will be robert coming down from austin to be with me and my mom's one drink maximum. unless of course he backs out and completely ruins any chance of the banquet being worth remembering.

oh who am i kidding...it's gonna be AWESOME!


At Friday, January 07, 2005 2:46:00 PM, Blogger Beopenguin said...

HAHAHAHAHA! I only laugh because I understand the draw of THE CUP. I myself have an embarassing photo with the cup when I was like 20. Too bad I don't a photo of actually kissing it.


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