Sunday, March 06, 2005

the rundown...

since we last spoke i have...
  • seen a wild ass
  • watched in awe as an elephant stacked and lifted, with his trunk, at least 5 carrots
  • watched, still open mouthed and in complete and utter awe, as this same elephant tore apart a tree branch, limb by limb. he would hold the main part down with his foot and pull up on each branch with his trunk. i know. unreal.
  • got yelled at by a small ornery child for calling said elephant a "he" since apparently it didn't have "one of those things."
  • saw a man get splashed in the face by a pengiun
  • watched a man get spit on by a primate
  • ok that one didn't happen
  • watched a polar bear take a leak
  • that one did
  • watched a hairy fat man scratch himself while watching sport center in his favorite recliner. only instead of a hairy fat man it was a brown bear and by 'scratching himself while chillin in his lazy boy' i mean lounging back against a rock starting at another rock.
  • was the stranger children are told not to speak to or take candy from
  • ate 1/2 lb of chicken salad
  • felt like vomitting for the rest of the day
  • watched way more trading spaces than can be considered normal
  • bought green pants
  • single handedly went thru 2 boxes of kleenex
  • may currently be on twice the recommended amount of congestion medicine. i still don't remember if i took that first dose or not. that's probably not a good thing.
  • but hey at least i have my voice back
bitching' song: jeff buckley- last goodbye
bitchin' joke: how do you get a kleenex to dance? put a little boogie in it.
bitchin' word: logorrhea

son of a bitchin' bob


At Monday, March 07, 2005 12:45:00 AM, Blogger AA said...

I hope that most of that took place at a zoo or similar-type establishment.
If not, I'll have to give St Louis a look-see for myself.

Get better :)

At Monday, March 07, 2005 8:59:00 PM, Blogger KA said...

So glad to see someone else appreciates Jeff Buckley. "Grace"? One of the best albums, hands down. Cheers to that one.


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