Thursday, March 03, 2005

a few good games of pinball and a double whiskey sour...

disclaimer: the following has the word 'rock' spelled 'rawk.' this is done in order to accurately exemplify the band. thank you and have a nice day.

one of my favorite bands from tejas, slobberbone, is calling it quits. that's a sad thing. 10 years man. 10 years ago i didn't even have my driver's permit yet. geez. i hadn't really thought about that. huh. weird. anyway. they're calling it quits and are runnin' around the states on a final bender. or 'tour' as the kids are calling it these days. so i, of course, did what any intelligent, broke, under-the-weather person would do. i went and sent them off with a bang. not a bang as in i did the band. a bang as in like i went to the show, they rawked, we danced, they rawked some more, we cheered. ya know, that kind of bang. what kind of girl do you think i am? honestly people.

so i'm not sure what the point of all this is. other than to say that throwing caution to the wind and going to a rawk show may not have been the most responsible idea on the "you're sick, what should you do" scale, but it was great show, and well worth it. i'm not any sicker today than i was yesterday, but i do have thaaaat many more good times pounding in my ears.

moral of the story...sometimes you just gotta rock.

moral of the story #2...cold medicine,
whiskey, and spike heels...nooott the best idea when you're trying to stay upright.


At Thursday, March 03, 2005 8:45:00 AM, Blogger Shane said...

Dude ... how many fingers am I holding up?

At Thursday, March 03, 2005 8:18:00 PM, Blogger Reason said...

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At Thursday, March 03, 2005 8:18:00 PM, Blogger Reason said...

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At Thursday, March 03, 2005 8:19:00 PM, Blogger Reason said...

The world needs more rock... it's sad to hear another band go out... :(

...and the band played on...

At Thursday, March 03, 2005 8:20:00 PM, Blogger Reason said...

sorry about the filler... :0
(see deleted above...)


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