Wednesday, March 09, 2005

bullets over broadway...

  • dewey's pizza might be my 2nd favorite pie of all time. once it hits your lips it's so good.
  • setting an entire sheet of flash paper aflame isn't nearly as climactic as one might assume. it was probably a good thing we did it outside though.
  • budweiser select (tm) rocks the cashbar. we salute you mr. beer with no after-taste maker man.
  • if you teach the same class twice a week, once at 315 and once at 355 make sure you get your days straight so you don't show up for your 315 class at 355.
  • here in st. louis we have really quality citizens. not to mention drivers. [link] p.s. he was running from the cops cuz he had just killed his wife in front of his kids.
  • why do guys love pony tails?
  • and why are they pony tails? wouldn't any animal with a tail offer the same level of description? or can't they just be tails? "her hair was in a tail" vs "her hair was in a [insert animal] tail." these are very pressing issues.
  • felicity season 4 marathon coming soon to a television near me.
  • loose seal!
  • if your brother drives your car make sure you get your keys back or he'll end up with both sets and you're sol when it comes time to go to work.
  • my friend's ex girlfriend immed me the other say hello. and i find out a completely different ex of his "wants to get to know me" and asked him if she could email me. huh? is this strange to anyone else?
  • i know it's the gilmore girls, but i love it.
  • hahahahahahahahaha [link]
  • why was piglet looking in the toilet? he was looking for pooh.
  • did anyone else seriously enjoy alias tonight?
  • did anyone else seriously enjoy michael vartan's perfect level of scruff on alias tonight?
  • cuz i did.
  • shwing!


At Sunday, March 13, 2005 3:21:00 PM, Blogger KA said...

It's posts like these that make me wonder why I forget to check your blog on the hour, hoping you'll have written something else hysterical. Love it.


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