Thursday, February 17, 2005

single white female...

so i think our 3 doors away neighbor might be stalking me. 94.7362% of the times i'm entering or exiting our apartment this woman is outside. either letting her little, yelpy, furball dog do it's bidness or going to her boat of a car. and she always, without fail, tries to start a conversation with me. i never let it go past the weather, though.

we never see any of our neighbors except this woman. and i see her at least once a day. and i'm not talking just in the am or evening when a lot of people are coming and going b/c of work. i'm talking random times. midafternoon, early early morning. the only time she's not is late late at night.
it's really quite odd. i feel like she must wait and watch by the window, or something equally creepy.

looks like i'm gonna have to start dressing incognito.

i hate it when that happens.


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