Wednesday, February 09, 2005

religion, love, and imaginary sex...

yes, it did take me a whopping 15 minutes to break my lenten vow of not swearing. 30 minutes to scratch my forehead and turn the cross into a big black smug of ash. and 2 hours to change "i'm giving up candy and sweets" to "i'm just gonna give up chocolate, so can i have some smarties now, please?"

i'm off to a great start.

being the good catholic girl i am i think it's only fair that i address the saintly holiday that approaches. what day is that? st. valentine's day of course. i had a whole shpeal planned. i was going to delve head first into solving the burning question of "what the heck is up with st. valentine anyway?" does anyone even know what he did, let alone what he did to deserve a day of candy hearts and doilies? no really. what makes him so special? (not special as in "eats paste", but special as in "hey you know who deserves a day? why, st. valentine of course.") but anon. midwest girl beat me to it . and i must say, she did a much better job then i think i ever could have.

since we have no real idea what the point of v-day is (besides spending copious amounts of money on candy, flowers, and hookers) i thought it might be fun to do things a little differently. instead of recognizing those we love in real life, we shall recognize those we love in our happy little worlds of pure imagination.

welcome to my world.

the top five celebrities i automatically get to make sweet sweet love to...

1. ed burns
2. carter oosterhouse
3. johnny depp
4. scott speedman
5. ryan reynolds

disclaimer...though i'm sure these men are fantabulous in their own right, this list is based entirely on sex appeal. just in case you wondered.

don't even try to act like you don't have a list of your own. if you don't i highly recommend coming up with one. the research and thought process alone are well worth it.

of course, don't forget to recognize your real life loved ones. on vday, sure, but more importantly just whenever you think about it. don't wait for a day. tell the people you love that you love them. it's not about the grand gestures. the "valentine's celebrations." it's about the holding hands. the hugs. the kisses. the laughter.

and of course the imaginary monkey sex with celebrities.


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