Saturday, February 05, 2005

men i've known...

so as i watched the green hornet and batman duke it out, i started thinking about guys in my life. past and present. my aidan, my big. and everyone in between.

here are a few you may also know...

but he's got a great personality guy: you want to be attracted to him. really you do. but you're not. and that's putting it mildly. he's funny and smart and thinks the world of you. but you don't so much wanna attend any parties in his pants. you even drink extra when you're around him and lecture yourself about the beauty within. but when he stops calling you become jealous. afterall, you were suppose to dump him. now he's attractive.

it's not you it's me guy: he can't commit to you (or a relationship or a job with a desk). he's tried but just can't. but why not? you get along great when you're not fighting about how he can't commit. and what's he doing with all his precious time that he can't spend it with you? but just as you're cursing his name, he calls for a date and you love him again.

pseudo boyfriend guy: you're just friends. really you are. best friends even. he gets you, you get him. there's never a dull moment. you may have even given the making out thing a try a time or 2. but you always end up back at being just friends. everyone thinks he's your boyfriend though. it may be b/c you finish each other's sentences and hold hands.

couldn't be nicer guy: he's thoughtful. he's attentive. and he'd do anything for you. he's so nice. so nice that he's too nice. your mom says "but he's so nice, why don't you like him?" you don't know why. probably because there's no drama. he's always there. waiting. even after you tell him about "other" guys. he never gets mad. he just wants to hold you. nice. boring. you'd rather spend your time being ignored by someone you really like. but mom likes him. maybe mom should date him.

living for tonight guy: he's the life of the party. he's hip. he's looking good. he can really hold his liquor. he can go to work everyday on two hours sleep. so what if you have no idea what he's really like since you only see him at parties, or clubs, or bars with no name outside. and then you can never really talk to him because his cell phone comes first. but he's a great dresser. and he knows everyone and the best places to go. how convenient. now you can get right in by dropping his name. how cool. too bad you won't be able to stay friends with him after you stage an intervention and he blames you.

physically active sports guy: his world revolves around sports. but he's no couch potato sports fan. his body is a machine. naturally you feel the need to step up your exercise regime. since every time you see him he's just come home from a trek around the globe or some equally impressive workout and asks about yours. if he's not sweating, he's not happy. it's so exciting that he wants you to push yourself just as hard. it's so exciting it makes you want to go for a walk. or eat yourself into a bag of chips while watching reruns.

not so ex ex guy: he's the ex that keeps on giving. lovin', that is. he's always around when you go out because you have the same friends. and he still looks cute in all the clothes you bought him. afterall, you taught him how to dress. then you reminisce about how comfortable it was. he knew where to get your favorite take-out. and holidays were spent together with each others families. now you're both free to date other people. soon you forget why you broke up in the first place and decide to get back together. then you remember. and break up again.

really kinda regular guy: he eats cereal. he loves to grill. and he still hangs out with the same friends he's had since forever. when they're together it's all sports, work, and highway directions. and he's easy going. he really enjoys playing with dogs and kids. he hates to go shopping. but he's sweet. he swears he got the victoria's secret catalog for you. and he prefers being in a relationship. but doesn't feel the need to rush into things. or even talk about them, since he likes things just the way they are. because he likes having relationship talks about as much as he likes cats.

friend with benefits guy: you're friends. nothing more. well, unless you've been out drinking and having so much friendly fun that you end up back at his place. it's never awkward though. well sometimes it is. for like a day. and then you're back to just being friends. you don't talk about what happened. you tell yourself it just made you closer friends. such good friends that you make plans to go out and have some friendly fun like you use to. so much friendly fun that he ends up back at your place. it's never awkward though. well sometimes it is. for like a day. and then....


At Sunday, February 06, 2005 1:55:00 PM, Blogger Nathan Piper said...

(Dave Matthews Band) - Say Goodbye

At Sunday, February 06, 2005 4:44:00 PM, Blogger Sam said...


At Sunday, February 06, 2005 4:50:00 PM, Blogger AA said...

Seriously - who are you? Because after perusing your blog I feel like I found my 'unique other'. Or a mondo-attractive twin of the opposite sex. My god.

I wish there was a general "posting" section as this seems like the least correct post for a random male to be replying to. But I had to do it.

Wow. You're amazing. Smile for me. :)

At Sunday, February 06, 2005 8:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ewww. JoSlik, can you say desperate? May be you should write about icky blog stalker guy.

I like your blog. I think its funny that you have dated all of my old boyfriends.

At Sunday, February 06, 2005 9:28:00 PM, Blogger jbgrinch said...

I have to say I know I used to be friend with... for a while befor I got married, no not to that woman, and that can realy screw with your head. Mostly because I couldnt deal with it not going anywhere.



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