Sunday, January 30, 2005

i'm not a chicken, you're a turkey...

i tell you what man-i have no idea how people get "high" on nyquil. i mean seriously dude. first of all, i barely take the recommended dose and i'm out like mike tyson in round 4. if i were to take any more than the little cup thingy full i'd be passed out before the bottle hit the counter. not to mention the taste. uh, gag much? i don't know about you but i tell ya, just the smell has me seriously fighting my upchuck reflex.

it probably doesn't help that whenever i take liquid medication i have flashbacks to when i was a child and decided i'd "help" my mom by medicating myself. only to drink half the bottle, have my sister tattle on me, and then have all 3 of my siblings chasing me in circles around the house until i projectile vomitted my good intentions all over the living room. good times.

bang! (that was me hitting "the wall"). my nyquil induced coma is officially setting in. told you it takes about 5 nanoseconds for that stuff to work it's magic. wait. does that make me easy? damnitall!

i'm out.


At Monday, January 31, 2005 5:33:00 PM, Blogger Sara said...

whatever dude! i so didn't make it up, maybe you weren't were probably sitting on the toilet reading an encyclopedia.

and don't even try to deny it!

At Monday, January 31, 2005 11:04:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been told that I'm hilareous (and delerious) when on Nyquil.... That and I think I was running a fever. I can't imagine how funny you would be if you stayed awake on Nyquil Sara, the delerium... As if you aren't already random... The world's not ready for you high on Nyquil, we wouldn't ever stop laughing.



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