Friday, January 28, 2005

the invisible man...

i've decided i need to come up with a standard imaginary boyfriend. that way when a strange cashier man at walgreens starts asking about whether or not i have a boyfriend, i don't have to stammer through some random response that somehow incorporates pretty much every guy i've dated. you'd think by now, after being single for the large majority of my life, i would already have that imaginary man all mapped out. but nope. not me. i'm a fly by the seat of my pants kinda girl. ok so maybe it's not so much that, but rather the fact that coming up with, and then attempting to remember, a fictitious story about an make-believe man is just waaaaaay more effort than i'm willing to put in.

but i dunno, an imaginary boyfriend. it's actually not a bad idea. i can see it now....creepy man: "so where's the boyfriend tonight?" me: "oh he stayed home, he has a long day tomorrow full of things like finding a cure for cancer, and creating world peace. he's a busy guy." i could have the single greatest boyfriend ever. he could be hot and funny and love cheese. and then if there is a boy i'm actually interested in speaking to...poof! no more boyfriend! it's just that easy. i just have to make sure i refrain from speaking to him in public.


At Friday, January 28, 2005 4:55:00 PM, Blogger Lord Milton Pepperbottom III said...

i do the same with my phone number... i have a universal fake one i give people... only not because creepy chicks ask for it (i wish), but because there are hundreds of online accounts that "require" one. and what's great is that it is my real number only minus 1. that way, if by some chance someone found out i fibbed, i could say it was an honest mistake...

i am very sneaky.

At Friday, January 28, 2005 8:42:00 PM, Blogger Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

I had an invisible girlfiend in high school. Recently, a buddy asked me "..whatever happened to that girl you were seeing back in high school with the weird name who we never met...what was her name?" Well the name was weird because I made it up. I hope she doesn't show up at our 20th reunion, because I've forgotten her name.
Nice blog by the way!

At Friday, January 28, 2005 11:57:00 PM, Blogger hannah said...

hey, I just found this by clicking "next blog." You get an A+ for music choice on that little "in my cd player" list over there. nice work.

At Saturday, January 29, 2005 9:35:00 PM, Blogger jbgrinch said...

I guess that it is just something that an old married man cant quite understand the need for. just get a rind and wear it when you feel like you dont want to be approched. No one ever gives me a second look after they spot my ring. sometimes they wont even talk to you. I have been told by other singles that it is a waist of time. I guess friends are not needed only eligible boy friends. oh well


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