Tuesday, November 30, 2004

applied physics...

you can justify any and everything you do today, tomorrow, or have done in the past, but when it comes down to it newton was right. every action does have an equal and opposite reaction. most people call it karma...i call it a bitch.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

WARNING: bad singing and not so scientific theory/simile/justification thing ahead...

i don't wanna grow up, i'm a toys 'r' us kid... a million toys at toys 'r' us that i can play with...from bikes and trains to video games, it's the biggest toy store there is....stop!!! good god. what's wrong with me? again with the random outburst of songs that 1. no one should know the lyrics to and 2. no one wants to hear (or read). i blame...oh who am i kidding...i blame no one...i'm just random like that.
anyway, the item i'm so easily distracted from...my point. today i turn 24. hmmm. 24. i'm still trying to decide what being 24 will actually mean. i have a feeling it's kinda of like junior year. 23 is sophmore year...pretty insignificant and boring. remember sophmore year? proabably not b/c it was the invisible year of high school or college...you're not so young that you're known as a freshman but you're also not old enough to be a respected as an upperclassman. but 24. 24 is gonna be like junior year. you get more respect from your peers and elders because you're older, but you don't have the responsibility of the seniors, or to go along with my obsurd little simile, the 25 year olds. 25 is the offical entrance into your mid 20's. just like senior year is the entrance in to college or the real world. 24 is going to be a good age. the junior year of life so to speak. you've got some years under your belt, but you're not even close to old...things are expected of you and sure you've got pressure about your future, but really you can still kinda-sorta slide by under the radar.

oh and by the way, don't try and hold me to this theory next year when i'm 25. by then i will have a completely new excuse made up as to why 25 is the new 24 and how it's not 'technically' this or that.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

michigan = higher education

i thought it was only fair that since i shared a few things i learned while in detroit for ross & kelly's wedding [link] i should also share some things i learned while in my mom's home town of alpena for the holidays...

  • it's alpena...there are no choices.
  • my family is loud
  • and likes to talk all at once
  • about completely different things.
  • wearing a bra makes your breasts grow
  • according to my dad i've been wearing one since i was 6 months old
  • there is a woman out there that personalizes romance novels
  • my uncle asked me for personal info about my parents so he could order one for my mom for xmas
  • that's weird.
  • snow + sun + snow again = oh so slippery.
  • in tawas, 27 degrees is appropriate weather to wear shorts
  • as long as you pull your socks up.
  • alpena supposedly has the 2nd largest walmart in the nation
  • or the state
  • no one could quite remember which.
  • if your birthday is near thanksgiving expect your cake to be a pumpkin pie
  • if you buy a bottle of wine but no one in your extended family drinks wine be prepared to drink the entire bottle yourself
  • and have a headache when you wake up in the morning.
  • as much of a madhouse 13 people in my aunt's kitchen may be i'm very thankful for my family.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

winter wonderland...

it's snowing! wheeeeeeee! i haven't been in a real snowfall in i don't know how many years. it snowed a little bit in austin last winter...but not like this. this is northern michigan snow.
my cousin and i were leaving walmart earlier (cuz we're cool like that) and this random woman behind us started singing "it's beginning to look a lot like christmas." out loud. in the parking lot. kacey and i about died laughing.
as we pulled out of the parking lot we got a nice little spin action goin' and my only reaction was to straighten out the car and calmly say whoopsie-daisy. i have no idea why those words came out of my mouth. other than that i'm a dork. i think kacey may have peed her pants.
when we got home we saw that my mom had gone out to the driveway and drawn a gigantic heart in the snow for us to see when we pulled in. i guess dorkiness runs in the family.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

wedding bells and drunken men...

this weekend an old family friend got married. our parents have know each other for about 27 years...so i'm not lying when i say i've known these people my whole life...here are a few things i learned at the wedding...
  • i've grown up real nice.
  • 'bobby' is now just 'bob'
  • we're scheduled to get married in 7 years.
  • mr. b apparently loves my mom
  • or so he told me
  • after a couple bottles of wine.
  • i was told to be wary of a kid called 'shack'.
  • they should have warned me to avoid a boy called 'bueller'.
  • bueller can't dance
  • or rather, dances like a sixth grader
  • and thinks my arms turn in ways they do not
  • he also doesn't know what personal space is.
  • open bar= a room full of buellers

Friday, November 19, 2004

flight attendants please prepare for landing...

i guess i didn't lose as many brain cells in college as one may have thought because i haven't been to the detroit airport in at least 10 years and it's almost exactly as i remember. the walls are still the marbly looking stuff, the floors are the same, even the old school cafeteria place is still there. everything just seems a lot smaller. well that and there's a starbucks now.

Thursday, November 18, 2004



i heart ian moore...

what can i say, the man moves me.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

pedro offers you his protection...

Monday, November 15, 2004

benefit concert...

for those of you in the st. louis area...

benefit concert for alejandro escovedo [link], karl mueller [link], and habitat for humanity [link] featuring son volt, jay farrar, the bottle rockets, richard buckner, and anders parker

date: dec 11,2004
time: doors @ 7, show @ 8
location: mississippi nights
price: $30 advance, $35 door
tickets: on sale now via metrotix, mississippi nights box office, or by phone (314.534.1111)

Saturday, November 13, 2004

friday night breakdown...

dinner at outback.....tasty
tickets to the movies.....too expensive
waiting in line w/the youth of america.....mind numbing
synchronized air piano to phantom of the opera.....classic
bridget jones 2.....mediocre
neto clapping after the lesbian kiss scene.....absolutely hilarious

Friday, November 12, 2004

classic mom...

today at lunch my mom befriended some guy and apparently he's perfect for me because " he's so cute and a hockey player and oh my gosh sara, his butt!" uh yeah, thanks mom for 1. scarring me by talking about a guy's ass and 2. having such high standards for me. so basically my mom went up and introduced herself to some random dude b/c he was hot and looked like a hockey player. hmm. at least we know where i get it from.
the best part is that she gave him her number. yep. she told him to give her a call anytime because she'd love to have him and whoever else over for a nice home cooked meal or maybe just to bake them some cookies. suuuuure mom. like he's never heard that one before. but it's ok b/c she thought better of it and...invited him over for dinner during the holidays! hahaha. cuz that's a good idea.

WARNING: soft rock hits and unnecessary disclaimers ahead...

please forgive me...i know not what i do, please forgive me if i love you like it do....don't deny me, this pain i'm going thru...ok ok ok i'll stop. sorry. i don't know where that came from. as soon as i wrote 'please forgive me' i couldn't help but break in to a little bryan adams. why i know those lyrics is seriosuly beyond me. but anyway, my point. it appears i was harboring some pent up aggression yesterday. and i just thought i'd let you know that, in addition to being a fan of soft rock hits of the 80s, 90s and today, i'm really a very happy person. promise. yesterday was just kind of one of those days. plus i hate stupid people. kidding... sorta.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

to whom it may concern...

if you think my idea having stupid people walk instead of drive when it's raining out is harsh...may i suggest a little something called an umbrella. don't have one? then a raincoat perhaps. a poncho? still no? good god man. use a trash bag.

rant of the day...

what is it about the rain that makes people dumber? really. i want to know. in texas i always just chalked it up to people not being use to driving in inclement weather of any sort. but then i come here. st. louis. a place where worse weather than just a little rain is a rather common occurrence. and i see that it is, in fact, a national phenomenon. come on people. work with me here. if you suck at driving in the rain just stay home. take a bus. walk. i don't really care. just stay away from the steering wheel. please.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

miyagi strikes again...

i'm sorry but it has to be said that i just killed the mother of all flies with my bare hands. i tried to catch it with chopsticks but i guess i'm just not quite there yet. i suppose that means it's back to painting fences and sanding decks for me. wax on, wax off.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


maybe i'm just being a snob, but for as much as i love U2 when they sing on that god forsaken ipod commercial it's like nails on a chalkboard to me. 1...2...3...14! 14!? who? what? i mean come on. seriously.

grammatical sabbatical...

if my lack of capitalization and correct punctuation annoys you...too bad...i'm lazy.

make pies, not sense...

coherent thoughts and ideas are seriously overrated. i've decided they are for boring people who aren't creative enough to come up with completely ridiculous and random things to talk about every so often. plus if you think about it, everyone takes what you say in their own context anyway. and no matter how simple or clear you are they'll still analyze it left and right. so really...what's the point in making sense in the first place? so i urge you...go forth...be random... and remember...the only person who really needs to know what you're talking about is you.

if i ruled the world: brilliant idea # 1

did you know that acetone dissolves styrofoam? i did. i know because i'm a "mad scientist" [instert maniacal laughter here] and if it was up to me i'd create a landfill sprinkler system that sprayed acetone like normal sprinklers spray water and voila no more syrofoam filling up the landfills problem. who cares if we'd have to breathe nail polish remover instead of air. we'd get use to it.

mr. miyagi in training...

somehow over the past few months i've developed an odd ability to kill flies by either catching them in my bare hands or simply squishing them between a stationary item and a napkin. 3 out of my last 4 attempts have been successful. that's impressive. next step...chopsticks and calling all my friends [name]-son...

don't try and understand ...you weren't there

  • I’ve got exploding diabetes
  • Tigerheads
  • Emergency pullout
  • Good morning
  • It’s doesn’t feel like we’ve been driving for 2 hours…It feels more like an hour and a half
  • Hey man, this is a private residence
  • It’s the worst!
  • I just called your mom dude
  • Hey big guy!
  • Hey guys, Charade? What do you think?
  • Guffaloat
  • That’s what we get for driving thru the night
  • Snags & Wizzie
  • Guns as in ammo
  • Those windows are kinda see-thru. Did not know that
  • Hey, you want a screw?
  • Did she just give him a screw?
  • Hey! Why you trying to calm me down?
  • Barbershops: CLOSED.
  • Thath’s coo!
  • Too bad now my ball’s in the trash
  • Is that the camera? Uh, no. That’s the light.
  • Heat seaters
  • Ocupado Bra, ocupado!