Sunday, November 20, 2005

aluminum makes me hot...

the other day i was at the local record store, minding my own business, looking at some magnets they had on display. due to the humorous nature of said magents i was (yeah i'll admit it) chuckling out loud (to myself, mind you) when i hear a booming voice from behind say "they have some funny ones there?" to which i spin around in alarm and spot a gentleman with slightly tattered clothing and long flowing locks. i respond with a simple "yep" and a slight, obviously forced, grin.

now, this is where things get a bit hazy for me. maybe it's just me, but i would think a general rule of thumb, amongst normal folk, would be that if you ask a stranger a question and they barely answer you and immediately turn back to what they were doing, you'd maybe, possibly, consider leaving them be.

not this kind sir. he apparently took my abrupt response and forced grin as an invitation. an invitation to lay it on thick no less. he proceeded to tell me about how he recently moved here and in the move had his safe (yes, i said safe) stolen and lost all of his money. all $300,000 of it. yeah, i know. i don't get it either.

after a few other comments about how he's a (insert eye roll here) musician and has a studio and blah blah blah...he drops what may be the most absurd line ever. "so, are you into metal?" am i what? metal? like alloys? oh, we're talking music here? yes. i'm waaaay into metal. that's why i'm wearing a button down shirt, pinstripe pants, glasses and have a straw purse. because i'm into metal. hardcore. i mean seriously, dude!?!? come on!

does it really matter what happened after that?


the whole thing just made my head hurt.

and yes, i'm sure the pain was because of the conversation and not the rockin' metal show i had gone to the night before.


At Monday, November 21, 2005 7:03:00 AM, Blogger jbgrinch said...

some people just dont realize how unbelievable they sound. well it could have been a good pickup line I guess? maybe?


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