Wednesday, September 21, 2005

this, that, and a bag of chips

i know, i know i should be sent away by social services for neglect. i wish i could have a cool reason for being mia, ya know, like i went on a jungle adventure thru the amazon river basin or i've been off finding a cure for herpes, but no. i have no excuse other than that i work a lot and i sleep even less. oh and that i've got these god awful allergies that are seriously kicking my rump.

there is this girl at my gym and she is pretty much the bane of everyone's existence and therefore is the bane of mine (seeing as how i'm the go-to person for drama and complaints). she just drives everyone nuts with her thinking we care about her asinine stories about the crazy guy that lives in the trailer next to her or about her boy drama or best yet about how her cats kicked her out of bed last night. anyway, my point is that she blew out her knee. who knows how. i'm sure she told me the story. i doubt i was really listening. and so now she can't work the classes that she barely worked in the first place. therefore, the rest of us and by "the rest of us" i mean "i" have to pick up her hours and teach her classes. which, of course, is awesome.

my sophmore year in college i lived in this dorm with 3 other girls. liz, amanda, and erica. liz and amanda were fantastic. we got along great and totally and completely agreed on everything. and by everything i mean the fact that erica was weird and gross. poor liz use to be kept up nights by the horribly nasty slurping noises coming from the bunk below. since that time i've done my darndest (and i'm sure liz and amanda have too) to block those painfully icky memories and erica herself out of our mind. so you can imagine my excitement when on my way back from notre dame this past weekend i ran into her at the chicago airport. when i saw her i immediately ducked my head and prayed to the good lord above that she hadn't seen me. yeah, no such luck. i'm boarding my flight and who do you think was sitting a few rows in front of me? you guessed it, icky erica and her sloppy kissing boy toy from way back when. the worst part is that they are not only still together, but they are getting married. ewwwww. my entire flight was ruined. why? b/c everytime i tried to close my eyes to catch some z's i'd have horrific acid flashbacks to the days i lived with her and her bottom bunk bumping and grinding. not to mention terrifying thoughts about the fact that they are going to procreate. eek. i really hope they don't. and if they do, i hope they get some soundproof walls or else those kids are gonna be all sorts of traumatized.

in the next few days i'll be adding a new contributor to my dandy little blog. my sis has been wanting to write and seeing as how i'm not writing as often as i'd like, i think adding her might be a fun thing. that way between the 2 of us, this blog is bound to pick up again with random goodness. laura and i pretty much share a brain, so don't worry about her not being as full of nonsense as i am. she lives out in la and i'm sure will have plenty of fun stories for us.

new show to watch: prison break
why: b/c the dude is friggin' hot. and i guess the rest of the show is pretty good too.
new song to check out: missy elliot/ lose control
why: b/c you really have no choice it's played on the radio so darn much.
word of the day: embonpoint
why: b/c i it has the word "plumpness" in it's definition.

until next time.

seacrest out.


At Thursday, September 22, 2005 3:20:00 PM, Blogger jbgrinch said...

hey there dear, Im glad to see that your still in the world of the living. I want to be the first to wecome your sis (Laura)sounds like you'll need to bring her up to speed on your blog mates if she has not been a regular reader. So tell her to check out my blog and I hope that we can IM again if we are both there at the same time.

happy fall!

At Thursday, September 22, 2005 11:15:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No offense intended Jeremy, but that comment makes you sound like a lonely douche bag clingy to the hope of the remotest female contact. I hope for your sake I'm wrong.
happy fall!!

At Friday, September 23, 2005 7:06:00 AM, Blogger jbgrinch said...

Hey why dont you check out my blog before you talk



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