Sunday, May 15, 2005

people say the darnedest things...

the 3 funniest things i heard this really should have been there...sooooo funny.

3. "it looks like a fat midget on a fat pony."-dude commenting on the hideous new statue in town.
(by the way, it really does look like a fat midget on a fat pony)

2. "when you get to my present don't read the card out loud. it's embarrassing, my mom picked it out." -the lone boy at a party of 14 8-year olds
(of course the birthday girl read it out loud, b/c that's what you do when a boy asks you not said something like "happy birthday you cuite, you" or something equally embarrassing for an 8 year old boy.)

1. "carol and ed sittin' in a tree...a-l-o-p-i-n-g."-my "obviously not a spelling bee champ" of a brother e.
(at least he was phonetically correct)


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