Wednesday, May 11, 2005

who, what, where, why and when

- overall my trip to austin went well. it was a lot of fun. got to see more old friends than i was expecting so that always nice. and i only had to tell one friend that had he not gotten in the pants of 5 out of my 6 closest girlfriends (including my sis) then he'd probably have a better shot of getting in mine.
- surprising mom was fun, she didn't pee, but she did cry. she also tried to explain to any and everyone what had happened and no one really got it so she got a lot of blank stares. not that she doesn't usually get a lot of blank stares.
- spent a lot of time sliding in my socks at my friend's place and i didn't once fall on my rump. how exciting is that? i stopped though b/c i kept thinking her boyfriend was gonna come around tndhe corner, and think i was a weirdo. considering i am one, it's not that big of a deal, but the dude just met me..he deserves to think i'm normal for at a little while longer.
- i got offered a job, i'd have to move back to austin by june 1. i decide today if i'm taking it.
- my imaginary airport boyfriend, who i think i've only mentioned in passing on here (for fear of jinxing his fabulousness) sent me pictures and both friends that saw them responded by saying he was exactly my type. whuh? what the hell is my type? as far back as i can remember there is no common thread between the looks of my former beaus. they were all jackasses though. maybe they think he looks like a jackass.


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