Monday, April 04, 2005

pillow talk

so i've got the whole sleeping alone thing down like champ. it's actually not bad. hot? throw off the covers. cold? bring on the down. not enough room? pillows don't threaten to break up with you and sue for abuse if you kick them off the bed one more time. it's really a pretty good deal.

the thing is that there seems to be an unwritten rule that when sleeping alone you sleep in the middle of the bed. and well, i'm just not a 'middle sleeper.' i try. i really do. but i pretty much just stick to one side. (i sometimes sleep diagnally and split the difference, but only sometimes.)

i'm not picky which side. it's usually the side by the door cuz that's the shorest distance to travel and when i wanna get to bed, i wanna get to bed. i changed it up last night and slept on the other side. afterall, variety is the spice of life. not to mention, in a relationship it's important that both sides feel appreciated.

did i just refer to myself as being in a relationship with my bed??

i need help.


At Monday, April 04, 2005 11:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bed completely rock.

You can have the best day of your life - and you walk into your room and your bed is just sitting there. Or, you can have a horrible, stressful, hectic day and once you get home it is still there.

Some mornings (weekends - when I don't have the "7-5" responsibility) I could totally sleep all day - I have to pull myself out of bed just to get moving.

But I'm sure you know how that is...


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