Friday, March 25, 2005

dressing for success...

you know you have too many clothes when...

1. your dresser is overflowing. literally. like you have an extra pile of clean folded shirts on a shelf on the floor of your closet b/c you can't fit them in the dresser.
2. you have a shelf on the floor of your closet b/c the shelves up top are filled with sweaters and shoes
3. you have 2 plastic bins under your bed with "off season" clothes
4. the hanging portion of your closet is so filled that you have to color coordinate your clothes in order to be able to find anything
5. all this and you still have a full hamper


At Saturday, March 26, 2005 9:51:00 PM, Blogger KA said...

Honey, I hear ya. I am trying to pack up my apartment for a cross-country move, and I have never seen so many clothes that I have never seen before. Does this make sense? One would think I am Tyra Banks or something, with the amount of crap I have accumulated. Too bad a lot of it is late-90s fashion that I kept hoping would go back into style...

At Saturday, March 26, 2005 10:04:00 PM, Blogger Jamy said...

Um, I'm afraid you've just described my closet, room, clothing situation. At least you know you're not alone.


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