Friday, March 25, 2005

truth be told...

i love when something happens and i say "i should totally blog about that," but then days go by and by the time i have any sort of a chance to sit and blog about said random moments they've lost their luster and even if they hadn't i can't remember enough details to do the story justice anyway so i just blow right past it.

whoo...we're just blowin' through nap time aren't we brother?

i also love when i'm just too lazy to sit and try to be witty so i come up with all sorts of bullshit justifications as to why i haven't blogged in 3 days. the truth is i could just make up the details i don't remember from the aformentioned stories. it's not like you'd know difference. i mean for all you folks know i could actually be a creepy toothless wonder who lives in the shady part of town and sells hoobastank to small children. i mean i'm not, but i could be.

truth is, makin' shit up is just too much effort.

i once knew this girl who couldn't tell the truth to save her life. she lied about everything. even stuff no one cared about. she'd just bring up a topic. and the lies would fly like an eagle. (yes i did just did make a seal refrence. thanks for noticing.) man, could i tell you some stories about this chickadee. i really could go on and on about how crazy it all was. i mean, she was my best friend for the better part of a year, but she's not even worth it. i'm just making the point that being a liar liar pants on fire isn't worth it. and waaaaaay too much work. just think about how hard it must be to remember what lies you tell what people. i mean seriously.

anyway, a tangent about lying was not the intention of this blog. it was to share a couple short little ditties that don't require elaborative details.

picture it...

f150. monotype corsiva. letters at least 3in high. across the entire, and i mean entire, back window:
You are driving behind a Girl With An Attitude Problem!

and yes, that is the exact capitalization and punctuation. man i wish i were as cool as her!

and here's last night's quote of the evening...

e: don't you want this one on your face?
me: no i want this one cuz it's harder and bigger

and yes, we were discussing couch pillows. those of you who thought any differently really need to think about going to confession you dirty dirty birds.

they're illusions michael. tricks are what whores do for money. or candy.


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