Sunday, April 03, 2005

i believe in a thing called love...

ben is a 7 year old whose birthday i worked at today...

me: we'll get started in a minute guys, we're just waiting on a few more of ben's friends.
ben: yeah, like my girlfriend!
me: oooh, you've got a girlfriend?
ben: uh huh, her name's maddie.
me: :)
ben: i'm gonna kiss her when she gets here.
me: oh yeah?
ben: yep, cuz it's my birthday!
me: well then.
[about a minute later maddie walks in and ben goes running up to her kissing her all over her face. really everywhere except her lips, but whatever. after their little makeout session at the door ben and maddie come join the rest of us]
me: so this is your girlfriend huh?
ben: yeah, this is maddie. but i've got 2 other girlfriends too.
[ben proceeds to kiss the 2 girls sitting next to maddie. all 3 girls just giggle and blush while ben gives me a nice, big, shit-eating grin]
other boys in the room: ewww!! gross!!
ben's mom: ben...settle down.
ben: (looking around at everyone, hands on his hips, completely serious) if anyone doesn't believe in love they can just leave my party right now!!!!

leave it up to a 7 year old to remind us of the importance of believing in love.

not to mention the importance of having more than one person to make out with.


At Sunday, April 03, 2005 11:11:00 PM, Blogger JC said...

That kid's a pimp! Awesome!

At Monday, April 04, 2005 9:51:00 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Holy crap kids are hilarious.

At Tuesday, April 05, 2005 12:25:00 PM, Blogger Shane said...

This is oddly deep. Kinda unusual for you, but still su-weet!

This kid is quite possibly the Yoda of our day. Consider me schooled.


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