Thursday, March 31, 2005

things i learned...

so some friends of mine played a show a couple hours away last night and i was dared to of course...i went. here are a few of the things i learned on my impromput road trip...
  • driving to and from a show 2 hours away on 3 hours of sleep and with a slight hang over from the night before--not the best idea.
  • seeing old friends reminds you of who you are.
  • but causes you to have to answer the question of 'what are you up to?' every 2 seconds.
  • you should always prepare an answer to 'what are you up to' before hand so that the mundane details of your day to day life sound way cool and make people wish they were you.
  • wes b. is a cheat liar and steals from his mother.
  • so says the bathroom stall.
  • lester thinks my mom is hot.
  • taco bell is gooooood.
  • there are no mountains in middle of missouri. just big scary black holes.
  • mountain dew does not keep me awake.
  • and tastes like urine.
  • not that i know what urine tastes like.
  • shut up richard.


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