Sunday, December 18, 2005

i'm feeling very random today...

the undertaker brought his daughter to class the other day and he had this huge bandage on his forehead so we were all joking that he prolly got hit in the head with a chair. turns out, we were right. (i saw it on smackdown friday night-awesome!)

there is this not so cute (so that makes him cute) kid in one of my 2 year old classes, his name is eddie. he's hysterical. he thinks he's a rockstar. he has this little ukulele he carries around. and when he doesn't have the ukulele then he's got straws as drumsticks. hilarious. anyway, the other day he stands up on top of these stacked mats screams 'champs like us baby we were born to run' and jumps down and pretty much face plants it into the mats below. stands up and says 'tada!'

a couple weeks ago i saw the best looking dude ever at einstein brother's. i keep going there around the same time during the week hoping to see him again. i'm starting to wonder if einstein's just kind of plants hot men in there so that girls like me will keep coming back.

Monday, December 12, 2005

this, that, and a side of nothing...

so a big reason i don't write as much as i use to is that i don't really have anything to write about. i work a lot and i go out even less. i mean, funny things happen, but by the time i get around to the computer i no longer find them that humorous and assume you won't either. but yesterday, during my whopping 5 hours of down time for the week i was reading through some old blogs and realized i never had anything to write about. all i did was babble about nonsense and tried to make it sound interesting. heck, i can still do that! if i had realized so long ago that that's what i did, well then, my friends, i would never have become such a slacker. now i just have to find a way to make time to type. i woke up early this morning to type. well that and i showered last night so what would normally be my shower time is my typing time today. it throws me off when i get out of routine though, so i'm naked and intermittenly throwing water on myself, ya know-just to keep myself balanced.

i went in to work yesterday because one of my instructors got her car towed sat night. it was my 7th day in a row at the gym. hahahaha. that just makes me laugh. and jessica has to go to houston for a funeral today, so that means i get to be in every class. all day. sweeet!

i went and saw ian moore on sat. night. i love that man. at the end of the show he unplugged and came down into the crowd and played totally acoustic. fanfuckingtastic. there was this one dude who had apparently requested some song that ian forgot to play, so he went to the back where he was sitting and sang it to him. i decided that was a moment the kid would not soon forget. not b/c ian sang to him-which was awesome- but b/c it was a song about being lonely and hearbroken and the dude was totally sitting in the very far back corner all by himself, obviously lonely and heartbroken. it made me laugh. i think that might make me evil.
(note: i'm not laughing b/c the dude is lonely and heartbroken-it makes me laugh b/c the poor dude probably went to the show to sit in the back and be miserable and listen to good music, not to be called out on his depression. i may still be evil though.)

ian also told this story about paul anka telling off his band and yelling at them 'i slice like a hammer!" like a hammer huh, paul? niiiiiice. i went to the show with 2 girls from work and they decided that would be my new tagline. sara: slices like a hammer. nah, but seriously... since i'm management, i spend a lot of my day at the desk/in the office. which means that i'm pretty much the go to person for parental questions and misbehaving children. since coming out of class to sit with me is usually the threat that is given to trouble kiddos, my 2 girls decided that they are gonna start telling kids to knock it off or they are gonna have to come see me, and i slice like a hammer! that's one of our favortite things to do. talk and make jokes to one another during class that are completely above the kids head. never anything they could repeat though. that would just be bad form.

i'm going to get dressed now. clothes are good. except that i just realized i never put my shirts in the dryer last night. dammitall . i gotta go.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

the soundtrack of my life (abridged)

alright so i wrote a whole blog about the ridiculousness of my day and how i spent it running into things, barely completely sentences, tripping over cords and nearly falling on children, and of course chest planting stamp pads onto my nice white shirt. i proceeded to talk about walking in on some poor woman in the bathroom and not even apologizing-just saying "whoopsidaisy" and walking away and how i called 'harry and david' 'harry and potter' about 4 times before my mom made me realize i was a spazz. all of which got deleted, b/c the internet can bite me. well that's not why it got deleted, but that's what i have to say about it getting deleted. i then proceeded to tell you about how when i have bad days i like to sing. one song in particular usually comes to mind. 'old man tucker.' it's from mrs. corey's music class. back at forest elementary (racoon's in the hizzouse!). 'old man tucker was a mighty man, washed his face in a frying pan, brushed his teeth with a wagon wheel, had a toothache in his heel. get out the way old man tucker, get out the way old man tucker, get out the way old man tucker, you're too late to get your supper" (and scene). and how when i was singing it today i kinda questioned whether it was tucker or not so i looked it up only to find out it's not old MAN tucker, it's old DAN tucker. at that point i really didn't even have the heart to check the rest of the words-- 20 years i've been singing a song incorrectly. 20 effin' years, man. who does that?

and that's the blog i wrote you. only this was the cliffs notes version. i'm too tired to write it all again. i really just want to go to bed and end this day. 20 years. [sigh]