Thursday, July 14, 2005

hefty issues...

so the lone male at my gym threw out his back today. we girls, being awesome, gladly picked up the slack so that he wouldn't hurt himself anymore. (and by we, i mean me.) turns out you never really realize how much someone does until you have to do their work. and i'm not talking teaching the classes(b/c i didn't do that), but the little things, like guarding the uneven bars during camp. man oh man let me tell you. lifting fatty fatty two by four up onto the high bar is not something i look forward to having to do again anytime soon. i was breakin' all sorts of a sweat heaving and hoing the little shits. i hate to be like that, and i'm sure part of the reason the parents bring the kiddos to us in the first place is in hopes that they can slim up a bit, but good god. there were definite moments of fear of death-by-squashing that permiated my being.

for this post alone i have no doubt i'll be cursed with waaaay plump children.


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